official website
Shingo "GODO" Terasawa
大学入学に際し上京。20歳ごろ絵(アクリル)を描き始めるが、当時の彼はロックギタリスト志望でありロックバンド「fade」でUniversal Musicよりメジャーデビューも果たしたが、2014年にバンドは無期限活動休止。以降、絵画に本格的に取り組む。
2010年 個展@Bar Vinsanto, 恵比寿
2011年 第44回 かわさき市美術展 入選
2012年 第45回 かわさき市美術展 優秀賞
2016年 三人展@ギャラリー国立
2017年 個展@ギャラリー国立
第65回 光陽展 入選
第102回 二科展 入選
個展@cafe Frangipani 六本木
2018年 第66回 光陽展 入選
"Japanese Art Show"@ espacio gallery,ロンドン、英国
Pop Japan "MINI ART exhibition" ブリスベン、豪国
個展@Bar LSD 渋谷
"ART JAPAN in Glasgow" グラスゴー、スコットランド
2019年 "ART TAIWAN & JAPAN 2019" 高雄市、台湾
2020年 個展@BABA GOYA , 高田馬場
“ART POINT Selection Ⅴ”@gallery ART POINT、銀座
2021年 “DOORs”展@gallery ART POINT、銀座
2022年 “BEYOND Ⅰ展” @gallery ART POINT、銀座
”十人十色 春彩 ART展" @立川高島屋、東京
”クラフト展” @ 近鉄百貨店 和歌山店
”トリプル個展” @ 高槻阪急、大阪
”Made in JAPAN” @ Noho M55 Gallery, New York US
”アート&ハンドクラフト展” @立川高島屋、東京
”ART JAPAN & TAIWAN” @ espacio gallery, London UK
”クリスマス&クラフト展” @松江一畑百貨店、島根
2023年 ”HCJアーティスト展” @東京ビッグサイト、お台場
”アート&クラフト展” @札幌三越、北海道
”アジア平和芸術展 in プノンペン 2023”
個展 @松坂屋 名古屋店
お問い合わせ/ Contact
Musician / Painter / Novelist
SHINGO TERASAWA is a painter born in Shingu City, Wakayama and currently based in TOKYO. His prefecture is known for the UNESCO World Heritage Site, “KUMANO-KODO (ancient pilgrimage road)”.
He moved to Tokyo after entering University and at the age of 20, he started painting with acrylic. At that time, however, he was aspiring to become a musician. He played guitar in a rock band and finally got a major break. However in 2014, the band took a break.
Since then, he has devoted himself to painting.
The main concept of TERASAWA’s painting is to recreate KUMANO’s mystic sceneries into magically-colored nostalgic artworks.
As a part of that, he paints “YATAGARASU” (a three-legged raven, messenger of the gods of Kumano), with colorful dots and symbolic patterns.
Sometimes he paints abstractly with acrylic and draws a monochrome, imaginary world with pencil.
He held 5 solo exhibitions in Japan and won several prizes at art competitions, including NIKA Exhibition.
In recent years, TERASAWA has been looking at things from a global perspective, hoping to spread his art to the world.
Since 2018, he has displayed at several overseas group exhibitions and has sold some of his artworks there.
2010:Solo Exhibition @Bar Vinsanto, Ebisu TOKYO
2011 –2012 :44th and 45th "Kawasaki City Art Exhibition"
2016 : The joint exhibition of 3 painters @Gallery Kunitachi
2017 : Solo Exhibition @Gallery Kunitachi, TOKYO
65th "KŌYŌ Art Exhibition"
102th "NIKA Art Exhibition"
Solo Exhibition @cafe frangipani , Roppongi TOKYO
2018: 66th "KŌYŌ Art Exhibition"
"Japanese Art Show" London UK
Pop Japan "MINI ART exhibition" Brisbane, Australia
Solo Exhibition @Bar LSD , Shibuya TOKYO
"ART JAPAN " Glasgow, Scotland UK
2019:"ART TAIWAN & JAPAN 2019" Kaohsiung, TAIWAN
2020:Solo Exhibition @ BABA GOYA, Takadanobaba TOKYO
“ART POINT Selection Ⅴ” @gallery ART POINT, Ginza TOKYO
2021年 “DOORs” @gallery ART POINT, Ginza TOKYO
Group Exhibition @ Hotel New Otani, FUKUOKA
Group Exhibition @ Hotel Grand Nikko, ODAIBA TOKYO
2022年 “Beyond Ⅰ” @gallery ART POINT, Ginza TOKYO
Group Exhibition @ TAKASHIMAYA, Tachikawa TOKYO
Group Exhibition @ KINTETSU Department store, WAKAYAMA
"Solo Exhibition" @ TAKATSUKI HANKYU Department store, OSAKA
"Made in JAPAN" @ Noho M55 Gallery, New York US
Also, he has published several e-books (6 novels and 3 essays)